Happy New Year!

every new year comes with the message that within each goodbye hides the celebration of a new beginning.. come let us celebrate life itself.. happy new year

Creativity is a blessing..  This year let us resolve to become artists
of our soul.. Wish you all a very Happy new year!

In each fresh moment dances the creation of our soul.. Happy New Year!

Getting' something holds both giving and receiving.. So this year lets
make our wishes happen.. Resolving for ourselves a gift of our
dreams.. Happy New Year!

Your presence refreshes my heart.. Thank you for touching my life
in such beautiful ways.. The one thing i never want to change.. Wish u a
very happy new year

See the beauty unfolding all around..
hear music in the rustle of leaves or birdsong..
taste this moment and enjoy its flavour..
breathe the fresh fragrance of damp earth..
feel the touch of life in every atom, every pore..
And Celebrate the miracle Of a new year..
With joy and hope and a fresh dawn unfolding in your heart..

One life in a single moment.. Let us fill every moment into many lifetimes.. Happy new year

If the present moment holds a lifetime.. Let this year be high on myriad experiences felt lived enjoyed and accepted.. As moments that will never come back.. Happy new year

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